Thursday, August 25, 2011


Do you know about sixth sense by Pranav mistry?.first of all pranav is an INDIAN.he develop this 6th sense technology.this technologies protocol comprises of pocket projector, a mirror and a camera which is pendant like wearable device.projector and camera are connected to a mobile computing device in the user's pocket.projector will use for projecting the visual information enabling surfaces,walls and physical objects  around us as interfaces,where as camera is used for recognize and tracks the gestures of the users,this using computer-vision techniques.The software program process video stream data that was captured by camera and it will track location of the colored markers at the tips of user's fingers.The movements of these fingers are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instruction for the projected application interfaces.this technique support multi-touch and multi-user interaction.

This technique prototype will be of cost $350 approximately.this will not include computer cost.projectors cost is main part of this.
one of appreciation thing that pranav done is that he is given this as an OPEN SOURCE

until august 11 no software which references project name sixth sense has been released neither under open source licence nor under proprietary one.
for watching video for pranav's explanation click on video


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